When things don’t work


Increase xenon’s verbosity using its v option. More v’s means more verbose output.

xenon -vvvv <subcommands>

Java from Eclipse

Increase verbosity by adding the following in Eclipse Debug Configuration, tab Arguments >> VM arguments


Java from command line

Increase the verbosity by adding loglevel=DEBUG as a property:

./gradlew run -Pmain=nl.esciencecenter.xenon.tutorial.DirectoryListing -Ploglevel=DEBUG


Start xenon-grpc in a terminal, using its v option. More v’s means more verbose output, e.g. xenon-grpc -vvvvv. Subsequent calls to xenon.init() (originating from anywhere on the system) will connect to this grpc server, and its logging will appear in the terminal. Unfortunately, this verbosity setting does not propagate down to xenon.

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